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Roman Messer and Skyvol presents Evolution on Suanda Music


Roman Messer and Skyvol presents Evolution on Suanda MusicRoman Messer and Skyvol presents Evolution on Suanda Music

‘Evolution’, the latest Roman Messer single featuring the up-and-coming talent Skyvol and taken from Roman’s imminent album release ‘For All Time’, is here!

‘Let’s celebrate the wonders of evolution…’ Roman has teamed up with Ruslan Suleymanov aka Skyvol to deliver yet another high energy, high BPM banger. Riding a decidedly upbeat groove that gives the track its characterisic flying feeling reminiscent of classic 00s trance anthems, ‘Evolution’ is chock full of pluck melodies, ever-climbing arpeggios and that warm fuzzy feel that one might expect from a slightly old-fashioned – in a good way! – trance record.

‘Evolution’ is out now on Suanda Music and is an excellent example of what is to come on Roman’s brand new studio album ‘For All Time’!

Buy it on: TBA



Roman Messer & Skyvol – Evolution (Extended Mix)


Roman Messer official website
Suanda Music official website

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