Sied van Riel presents Rielism 4 on Black Hole Recordings

Sied van Riel presents Rielism 4 on Black Hole RecordingsSied van Riel presents Rielism 4 on Black Hole Recordings

Yep, it’s been longer-than-the-average since the mix-comp world received its last Rielity check. Not without noble cause though! The hands of its mixer-in-chief have been anything but idle in the interim. The release of its third edition, two + years back, coincided with the launch of Sied’s Rielism Records imprint.

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Hemstock and Jennings presents Hear My Name on Xzata Music

Hemstock and Jennings presents Hear My Name on Xzata MusicHemstock & Jennings presents Hear My Name on Xzata Music

Xzata Music is happy to release another Hemstock & Jennings single! The guys are back again with another quality production: ‘Hear My Name’! Massive chord progression, stunning melodies and vocals are building up to a climax, ready to hit the dance floors..

The package includes an original mix and a Ric Scott remix.

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Stuart Ferguson presents The Pathfinder and Switchkick on Create Music

Stuart Ferguson presents The Pathfinder and Switchkick on Create MusicStuart Ferguson presents The Pathfinder and Switchkick on Create Music / Black Hole Recordings

Stuart Ferguson delivers his follow-up to Voodoo EP and it’s another double-tracker! ‘Pathfinder’ is a tech adventure with chunky rolling bass and edgy FX. The first drop from the intro introduces the bass before scratchy percussive elements and stabs drive you along the path to the breakdown.

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