Allaby presents Hiding to Nothing on JOOF Aura

Allaby presents Hiding to Nothing on JOOF AuraAllaby presents Hiding to Nothing on JOOF Aura

Matt Allaby comes to as at JOOF Recordings with his enormous record ‘Hiding to Nothing’. It’s deep, dark, and mysterious – full of ground shaking basslines, granular glitched out vocals, and uplifting soundscapes that are ultimately shrouded in darkness.

On remix duties, we have Tom Hades, who brings out this darkness and slams it into a hard techno rendition of the incredible

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Heerhorst presents Fire on JOOF Aura

Heerhorst presents Fire on JOOF AuraHeerhorst presents Fire on JOOF Aura

Forged from a staple techy-sound, Heerhorst delivers a glorious dark EP with ‘Fire’. Warmth aplenty, drums billow silently to create an irrepressible groove. Glorious eastern atmospheres shroud his beloved sound, sultry synths create a melodic soundscape, and vocals lead this release into a journey you’ll never forget.

Buy it on: TBA

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Roby M Rage presents Link EP on JOOF Aura

Roby M Rage presents Link EP on JOOF AuraRoby M Rage presents Link EP on JOOF Aura

Eyes forward, sit up in your seat, and fix your collar – we’re about to take a class in the elegance of techno, lectured by Roby M Rage. Acidic stabs, earth-shattering drums, and fierce rolling basslines; these three core elements are the embodiment of dance-floor driven, heads-down techno.

If we dazzle such techno with a hint of fervent atmosphere

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Ampish presents Winter EP on JOOF Aura

Ampish presents Winter EP on JOOF AuraAmpish presents Winter EP on JOOF Aura

Ampish comes to JOOF with his wonderful release ‘Winter’. This release is acquitted with mesmerizing atmosphere’s , trance-like basslines, and riveting drums that will have dancefloors teething for more. A three track wonder, a glorious journey and chunky yet hypnotic acid sounds wash over this release, creating symphony upon symphony of music that is quite simply a zealous gateway to the Netherealm.

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Andromedha presents Voyage on JOOF Aura

Andromedha presents Voyage on JOOF AuraAndromedha presents Voyage on JOOF Aura

Voyage is the latest staple in the ever-growing discography of trailblazer Andromedha. Crafted with an intricate rhythm, and incredible melodic moments, and a euphoric undertone, Andromedha’s sound lives on and pushes himself and the genre forward with Voyage. You’d be delirious to believe that this man isn’t making music that’s the sound of the future.

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Hell Driver presents Global Warming on JOOF Aura

Hell Driver presents Global Warming on JOOF AuraHell Driver presents Global Warming on JOOF Aura

Nefarious, Vicious, and Hateful are but a few words that describe Hell Drivers aggressive take on techno. We can’t get enough of this man’s delightfully dark sounds. His drums are thunderous, his melody and incredible, and his tunes are unimaginable. Evil stabs are present throughout Global Warming, and the beat has been rumoured to cause tearing in the Ozone layer when played

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Danilo Ercole vs Rafael Osmo pres. DNL and RFL presents Tribuna EP on JOOF Aura

Danilo Ercole vs Rafael Osmo pres. DNL and RFL presents Tribuna EP on JOOF AuraDanilo Ercole vs Rafael Osmo pres. DNL & RFL presents Tribuna EP on JOOF Aura

Is it Progressive? Is it Techno? Is it modern day Trance Music? Danilo Ercole & Rafael Osmo team up to create one of the most unique and mesmerizing releases of the year with Tribuna. Calling this release groovy would be an understatement. After running a series of test runs with the JOOF A&Rs, this tune has blown

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Ettica presents Planet Guide on JOOF Aura

Ettica presents Planet Guide on JOOF AuraEttica presents Planet Guide on JOOF Aura

3 guides, one exquisite release. Ettica provides 3 unique tracks that encapsulates the very essence of JOOF Aura. Glorious tribal beats are present throughout this outrageous progressive techno release. A rumbling bassline, gorgeous atmosphere, and a passionate artist are whats in store when you listen to Planet Guide.

We highly recommend playing these tunes in private locations

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Slam Duck presents Acid Jedi on JOOF Aura

Slam Duck presents Acid Jedi on JOOF AuraSlam Duck presents Acid Jedi on JOOF Aura

The ‘Acid Jedi EP’ does exactly what it says on the tin! Slam Duck fills your soul full of acid in through this illustrious & ambitious EP. Crafted with 303s, ethereal vocals, and haunting pads, we’re brought on a triumphant trip across two tracks. Slam Duck has raised the bar for this type of progressive as he constantly takes influence from the Platipus sound and brings back up to date.

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Excelent presents Transmission The Creation at O2 Arena, Prague, Czech Republic on 21st of November 2015


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