Eli Spiral presents Hybrid Language EP on J00F AURA

Eli Spiral presents Hybrid Language on J00F AURAEli Spiral presents Hybrid Language EP on J00F AURA

When you think of psy-trance, you might now think of triplets, big festivals, and perhaps even some cake-throwing. We still revere psy-trance for it’s novel and innovatory sound design, hypnotic groove, and overall, it’s other-worldliness. Eli Spiral is the quintessential psy producer and this EP proves it.

Psy-trance fans can rejoice at this innovative and forward

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Kandar and Morning Delusions presents Forest EP on J00F Aura

Kandar and Morning Delusions presents Forest EP on J00F AuraKandar & Morning Delusions presents Forest EP on J00F Aura

Beautiful vocal tracks are hard to come by, when this melted our hearts in the JOOF office in the form of a demo, we instantly signed it. Pair this up with a gorgeous heads down Progressive groover sets this up to be a very strong EP from Ivan Nikusev the man behind his Kandar alias.

Buy it on: TBA

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Squarz Kamel and Woti Trela pres. States Trigger presents Go With The Flow on JOOF Recordings

Squarz Kamel and Woti Trela pres. States Trigger presents Go With The Flow on JOOF RecordingsSquarz Kamel & Woti Trela pres. States Trigger presents Go With The Flow on JOOF Recordings

Squarz Kamel and Woti Trela make their outstanding debut on JOOF Aura with ‘Go With The Flow’. Haunting cinematic stabs clash and collide to create a poignant atmospheres. Presented alongside an ominous bassline that’s sure to create a dark atmosphere in even the brightest of clubs.

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Obie Fernandez pres. KNBI presents Flare on JOOF Recordings

Obie Fernandez pres. KNBI presents Flare on JOOF RecordingsObie Fernandez pres. KNBI presents Flare on JOOF Recordings

Obie Fernandez hits back at us at JOOF Recordings, this time with his outstanding KNBI Alias – which is his take on the awesome progressive world. The bassline is thumping, There’s ghostly FX aplenty with sci-fi-esq soundscapes bringing energy into the track, whilst a captivating arp gracefully creates crescendo after crescendo.

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Tim Penner presents Ascension plus Ripples on JOOF Recordings

Tim Penner presents Ascension plus Ripples on JOOF RecordingsTim Penner presents Ascension plus Ripples on JOOF Recordings

Tim Penner is back with Ascension & Ripples, a raw yet captivating release that’s sure to be one incredible entreé into a world of darkness. Delicate, and forward-thinking Tim Penner’s ‘We Are Ripples’, is tribal and insatiably groovey – If there was ever a tune that captured the heat of a sunset, it’s ‘We Are Ripples’.

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Fuenka presents Ion plus Callisto on JOOF Recordings

Fuenka presents Ion plus Callisto on JOOF RecordingsFuenka presents Ion plus Callisto on JOOF Recordings

Fuenka can do no wrong at the moment, everything they touch turns to gold, this is hitting the spot from a whole range of DJ’s from our Cristoph through to Aly & Fila. Its serious heads down hypnotic music made especially for those serious moments on the dance floor, something that label boss John 00 Fleming has seen first hand while touring hence the love and support for these guys.

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Excelent presents Transmission The Creation at O2 Arena, Prague, Czech Republic on 21st of November 2015


08:00 pm

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