Alex M.O.R.P.H. kicks off the year with a heartbreaking, speaker busting, goosebump triggering piece of music that some of you might remember. The title melody of his 2016 artist album ‘Not All Superheroes Wear Capes’ received a do-over, state of the art, matching the sense and sound of time. Songtresse Susie Ledge provides a dreamy and touching vocal for the Beatport chart breaker which will melt your heart and move your feet – exactly how we like it at VANDIT.
Buy it on: TBA
Alex M.O.R.P.H. & Susie Ledge – Aiming For Hope (Not All Superheroes Wear Capes 2022 Extended Vocal Mix)
Alex M.O.R.P.H. official website
Vandit Records official website