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Danilo Ercole and Rafael Osmo presents Morphosis on Create Music


Danilo Ercole and Rafael Osmo presents Morphosis on Create MusicDanilo Ercole and Rafael Osmo presents Morphosis on Create Music / Black Hole Recordings

Brazilian Danilo Ercole and Israeli Rafael Osmo should get together in the studio more often. ‘Morphosis’ starts innocent enough with a driving tech bass and kick, but it’s not long until the transformation begins. Large claps clatter and a somewhat sinister synth line sets the scene, hinting at what’s ahead. A gritty distorted bass drop signals the beginning of the breakdown like a klaxon calling for your attention and preparedness. What you don’t expect is just how strongly the arp melody sucks you in with its drifting chords, creating a truly neck-hair raising experience.

What happened we hear you cry? You were victim to a Morphosis.

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Danilo Ercole & Rafael Osmo – Morphosis (Original Mix)
Danilo Ercole & Rafael Osmo – Morphosis (Radio Mix)


Black Hole Recordings official website

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