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Diffraction presents RISE with Darren Porter, James Dymond and Binary Finary at The Shift Club, Sydney, Australia on 14th of September 2017


Diffraction presents RISE with Darren Porter, James Dymond and Binary Finary at The Shift Club, Sydney, Australia on 14th of September 2017

Diffraction presents RISE with Darren Porter, James Dymond & Binary Finary @ The Shift Club, Sydney, Australia on 14th of September 2017

RISE with Darren Porter, James Dymond and Binary Finary (Producer Set).

Both Darren & James have been pushing the boundaries with not only their DJ sets but with their countless Production releases. Both artists are signed to Aly & Fila’s FSOE label and have been relentlessly touring all over the globe at events such as ASOT, Dreamstate, & Beyond Wonderland in the USA, Transmission and Trancefusion in Czech Republic, Grotesque, Luminosity and Quest4Trance in The Netherlands and more recently both performing Back To Back at the Tomorrowland Festival in Belgium.

Local Support by: Elucidus, Zankee Gulati & Zebulon (Adelaide)

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Darren Porter
James Dymond
Binary Finary
Zankee Gulati

Diffraction presents RISE with Darren Porter, James Dymond and Binary Finary at The Shift Club, Sydney, Australia on 14th of September 2017


Binary Finary official website
Diffraction Agency official website

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