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Lilly Sinatra and Ted Dy presents Sahara on Pegasus Music


Lilly Sinatra and Ted Dy presents Sahara on Pegasus MusicLilly Sinatra and Ted Dy presents Sahara on Pegasus Music

Lilly Sinatra and Ted Dy makes a return on Pegasus Music with their latest track called Sahara.

Get ready for a magical carpet ride where you can escape for some minutes from anything that worries you.
Particularity the breakdown is very exceptional where tribal percussions are combined beautifully with sublime cinematic strings, ethnic vocals and oriental uplifting melodies that creates the perfect atmosphere and will take you far far away.

We hope you like this release as we do.


Release date: 02/05/2021

Buy it on: TBA


Lilly Sinatra & Ted Dy – Sahara (Original Mix) [8:53]



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