Bigtopo and Omar Diaz presents El Moreno on Create Music

Bigtopo and Omar Diaz presents El Moreno on Create MusicBigtopo and Omar Diaz presents El Moreno on Create Music / Black Hole Recordings

Bigtopo and Omar Diaz team up for a massive debut on Create Strobe! Brimming with power ‘El Moreno’ drops in with a super deep bassline. The mood is dark from the off but it’s not long before you reach the first break where thoughtful, choral chords draw you in and a rising saw wave stab lifts emotions

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Bigtopo presents Musty on Lange Recordings

Bigtopo presents Musty on Lange RecordingsBigtopo presents Musty on Lange Recordings / Enhanced Music

Spanish producer Bigtopo returns to Lange Recordings with a fresh helping of his impeccably crafted Trance with ‘Musty’.

Serving as the first release of 2016, Bigtopo kicks the label’s year off with a powerful arrangement of big lead lines, intricate FX and brooding bass to form a elegantly building peak-time

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Excelent presents Transmission The Creation at O2 Arena, Prague, Czech Republic on 21st of November 2015


08:00 pm

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