Maratone and Cyril Ryaz feat. Emoiryah presents When The Rivers Rage on Abora Recordings

Maratone and Cyril Ryaz feat. Emoiryah presents When The Rivers Rage on Abora RecordingsMaratone and Cyril Ryaz feat. Emoiryah presents When The Rivers Rage on Abora Recordings

The next single release from Maratone’s debut album ‘Gravity’ is ‘When The Rivers Rage’ with Cyril Ryaz and Emoiryah, out on Abora Ascend.

You certainly can’t go wrong when it comes to this power trio. This track showcases a perfect blend of Maratone’s infectious production

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Maratone vs XiJaro and Pitch feat. Aylin presents Euphoria on Abora Recordings

Maratone vs XiJaro and Pitch feat. Aylin presents Euphoria on Abora RecordingsMaratone vs XiJaro and Pitch feat. Aylin presents Euphoria on Abora Recordings

A stunning vocal release hits Abora Recordings by storm: this is ‘Euphoria’ by Maratone, XiJaro & Pitch, and Aylin. With powerful basslines supporting Aylin’s soulful voice and a catchy and cheerful theme, ‘Euphoria’ is one of these tracks that will get you immediately hooked.

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