Paul Elov8 Smith presents Our Destiny on Nahawand Recordings

Paul Elov8 Smith presents Our Destiny o Nahawand RecordingsPaul Elov8 Smith presents Our Destiny on Nahawand Recordings

With this release, you get to hear unique and stunning note changes. Embedded in amazing pluck-work, we challenge our minds to the biggest question in life. What is our destiny? The crafter of this tune reminds us how destiny can make others happy. He succeeds in his mission, there is no doubt in our minds.

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John O’Callaghan and Stine Grove presents Our Destiny on Subculture

John O'Callaghan and Stine Grove presents Our Destiny on SubcultureJohn O’Callaghan & Stine Grove presents Our Destiny on Subculture / Black Hole Recordings

Fire in his production belly, John O’Callaghan has already (per Mixmag) “explored his dark side” this year with ‘Next Stop Muddy Waters’ and fortified club floors further with the magnificent ‘Choice Of The Angels’. Into May – and again exhibiting his renowned flexibility to produce across trance’s broader span

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Excelent presents Transmission The Creation at O2 Arena, Prague, Czech Republic on 21st of November 2015


08:00 pm

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