Lilly Sinatra and Ted Dy presents Sahara on Pegasus Music

Lilly Sinatra and Ted Dy presents Sahara on Pegasus MusicLilly Sinatra and Ted Dy presents Sahara on Pegasus Music

Lilly Sinatra and Ted Dy makes a return on Pegasus Music with their latest track called Sahara.

Get ready for a magical carpet ride where you can escape for some minutes from anything that worries you.
Particularity the breakdown is very exceptional where tribal percussions are combined beautifully with sublime

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Ed Sánchez presents Essence Of Life on Pegasus Music

Ed Sánchez presents Essence Of Life on Pegasus MusicEd Sánchez presents Essence Of Life on Pegasus Music

Ed Sánchez makes his return on our label with another gorgeous masterpiece called Essence Of Life

Powerful energetic and very contagious track with thunderous bassline and fast beats.

The breakdown is pure trance magic with a soothing and sad piano, ethereal vocal choirs, cinematic strings combined

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Blue Sector presents My Heart on Pegasus Music

Blue Sector presents My Heart on Pegasus MusicBlue Sector presents My Heart on Pegasus Music

Blue Sector returns on our label with another great track called My Heart.

Calming, dreamy, silky and sensitive production with a blissful, mesmerizing and at the same time a very epic breakdown with classic orchestral theme elements combined with epic euphoric synth lead that slowly push the track to the prime

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Meraj Deylami presents Immature Love on Pegasus Music

Meraj Deylami presents Immature Love on Pegasus MusicMeraj Deylami presents Immature Love on Pegasus Music

Pegasus Music is moving always forward and introduces new exceptional talents like Meraj Deylami with his debut track Immature Love.

The track has a proglifting trance feel with energetic driving bassline, melodic plucks, vocal chops and a romantic piano that is revealed in the luscious and mesmerizing breakdown.

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Niki Sato presents Proxima on Pegasus Music

Niki Sato presents Proxima on Pegasus MusicNiki Sato presents Proxima on Pegasus Music

Pegasus Music, the label that you can trust to satisfy your trance hunger is back with another superb euphoric trancer called Proxima by the new incomer Niki Sato.

If you really appreciate energetic euphoric trance with solid composition, tight beats and driving bassline you will be hooked to Proxima easily.

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TP One presents Coming on Pegasus Music

TP One presents Coming on Pegasus MusicTP One presents Coming on Pegasus Music

Pegasus Music is back with another powerful and highly energetic trance track called Coming from the producer TP One.

TP One delivers his excellent driving trance track that starts slowly by building its various elements and after the cinematic and dreamy breakdown the main riff is unleashed

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Ion Luca presents White Dark on Pegasus Music

Ion Luca presents White Dark on Pegasus MusicIon Luca presents White Dark on Pegasus Music

We at Pegasus Music are proud to bring you our next release called ‘White Dark’ from the producer Ion Luca.

White Dark is a driving progressive trancer with bouncy groove, deep bassline, beautiful melodies while on the breakdown blissful vocals and dreamy piano melody are introduced to relax your senses.

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Darren Bax presents Lost Horizon on Pegasus Music

Darren Bax presents Lost Horizon on Pegasus MusicDarren Bax presents Lost Horizon on Pegasus Music

Darren Bax makes a return on our label with another great track called ‘Lost Horizon’

A production that is groovy, hypnotic, smooth and dreamy with superb melodic layers particularly in the breakdown that is really exotic and magical followed by even more mysterious and exquisite climax.

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Remech presents Stay on Pegasus Music

Remech presents Stay on Pegasus MusicRemech presents Stay on Pegasus Music

Pegasus Music welcomes Remech to the label with ‘Stay’ a thoroughly energetic uplifting trance track.

The track has a dynamic and powerful start with driving basslines, acid overtones and hypnotic plucks.

A breakdown that starts with piano chords, warm strings and emotional synths.

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Excelent presents Transmission The Creation at O2 Arena, Prague, Czech Republic on 21st of November 2015


08:00 pm

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