Chris Bekker presents Miles Away on Vandit Records

Chris Bekker presents Miles Away on Vandit RecordsChris Bekker presents Miles Away on Vandit Records

VANDITeers, time to celebrate – new music incoming here from the one and only Chris Bekker! His first solo material post last summer’s ‘Berlinition’ album, it finds our musical polymath in his most trancey state of mind to date. ‘Miles Away’ is a sleekly crafted, devoutly instrumental, progressively inclining, and yet gravity-defying slice of trance music.

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In depth with Chris Bekker on his Berlinition album and film project

Chris Bekker presents Berlinition on Vandit RecordsIn depth with Chris Bekker on his Berlinition album and film project

Chris Bekker is out with his debut album/film project this month. An incredibly aspiring endevour, it’s thematically & atmospherically designed to soundtrack a top-to-toe journey across Berlin. To dig a little deeper into what brought about this release and how he went about the seemingly daunting task

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Chris Bekker presents Berlinition on Vandit Records

Chris Bekker presents Berlinition on Vandit RecordsChris Bekker presents Berlinition on Vandit Records

Pop quiz… Name the sound architect for Mercedes-Benz, NHOW Hotels and VisitBerlin? A stretch, we know. Let’s try resident DJ for Berlin’s notorious den of electronic dance inequity, the Kitkat Club? Nada!? Ok, regular soundtracker of fashion designer Guido Maria Kretschmer’s runway shows and remixer of artists as diverse as Giorgio Moroder

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Chris Bekker, Chris Montana and Paul van Dyk presents Berlinition on Vandit Records

Chris Bekker, Chris Montana and Paul van Dyk presents Berlinition on Vandit RecordsChris Bekker, Chris Montana & Paul van Dyk presents Berlinition on Vandit Records

Over the last five months Chris Bekker has been on a mission to musically capture the heterogeneous essence of his hometown. Each diverse single has brought him a stage closer to July 2016 and the release of his debut album. Today sees this singles ‘tour’ arrive at the very heart of the German capital

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Chris Bekker presents Goldelse on Vandit Records

Chris Bekker presents Goldelse on Vandit RecordsChris Bekker presents Goldelse on Vandit Records

Maintaining the release pressure, Chris Bekker and production pal Farius made a quick stopover to take in a ‘London Sunrise’ last month. April though sees Chris back on his home beat, and resuming the serious business of soundscaping the German capital.

A Berlin resident for a quarter of a century or more

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Excelent presents Transmission The Creation at O2 Arena, Prague, Czech Republic on 21st of November 2015


08:00 pm

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